Pauline ,I think, would be horrified to find how little progress has been made in prison reform since she died eight years ago yesterday 15 / 5 / 08 .Only today there are reports of more violence, more suicides and drug abuse than ever in prisons.Prison staff are attacked daily. There is a general consensus that private companies are not maintaining decent standards or providing value for money. All prisons should be in the public sector. They should not be run to make a profit.
The dreadful documentary by Panorama of the abuse and mistreatment of children in the Medway Secure Training Centre. in Rochester, Kent was shocking and should have brought shame on G4S and the Youth Justice Board,especially since other damning reports had been published on other Secure Training Centres.Over 200 children are in the supposed care of G4S.Pauline hated the mantra "-lessons will be learned-"when ever it became known that anyone had been abused in prison. She would have given a wry smile to know that Mr Neilson of the Howard League expressed a hope that the forthcoming Ministry of Justice review of youth justice would take a hard look at what companies like G4S are doing to our children.
She would have said the evidence is already there.
Vulnerable people and children are suffering in our prisons at this very minute. Mr Gove where are you?